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Recreation Committee Minutes 2011/04/19
Draft of 4/19/11 minutes

Meeting called to order at 635 pm by Paul

Present:  Amy Holobowicz, Paul Skarin, Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Leon Davy, Betsy Katz, Brain Garland

Lions club: Mark Gurney (member of a biking club) joined us to discuss the possibility of assisting the Rec. dept. with the Horror at Harding Hill bike race.  We need at least 18 people to help out.  Mailers to send out, T-shirt design, course set up, registration.  The race was planned for July 17th.
Brian is going to chair this event, and would appreciate assistance.

Mark is suggesting that we do course work ASAP, and then a few days prior, we need to do clean-up.  

It was discussed that this is an event that we could certainly do, and since it is a race in a series, it would be wonderful to pick up and continue.  This year will be the 17th annual race.

Dugouts at Dewey:   Scott met with Tony and Donna today.  Agreed that the dugouts are safe enough for this season and then proceed with coming out.  Discussion of a Senior project or something for John Gosselin’s class to pick up.  Andy Nichols will install the swing set on April 30th.  We would like to take pics and have this documented.  Will clear with conservation regarding trees that need to be cleaned out by Craig and Tony.

Bathroom at Dewey:  Tony discussed with Scott today that Craig has someone in mind to help out.  Possibly a town employee.  Trying to keep budget under $4000.

Newsletter is coming along really well.

Easter Egg hunt is this sat.  If rain, it will be at the gym.  

Skateboard park-we need kids to come in to the meetings to talk to rec. committee regarding plans for fund raisers.

Veteran’s Field: We got an estimate from Mark Uskos and scope of work.  Ideal time is June or July to do the work.  If this interferes with soccer camp, we may need to use HS soccer or baseball fields.  Tony will help with determining bids and then bring it to BOS.  We need at least 3 bids.  Discussed doing a walk-about on April 30th at 8am.

Scott mentioned that umpires are needed for baseball, especially weekday games.  

Continue to think about prizes for 4th of July floats.  Discussion of Red Sox and Fisher Cat tix.

Scott mentioned that the basketball court needs to be resurfaced this year.  

Next meeting on May 10th at 630pm.

Meeting adjourned at 750pm by Paul, second by Patricia.